Friday, August 6, 2010

On in 5, 4, 3, 2 . . .

I'm blogging to you live from my wide angle forward bend. Currently six minutes in. How do you guys spend this time? So far, I have looked into an insurance matter that should have been paid back in April (could have made this half-hour stretch incredibly tense) and called a casting director about an HBO reality show based on Brooklyn couples (Pacato's idea.)

I realized the other day that saying YES! probably means I should take time for those people with clipboards who try to get the man on the street to stop and support their causes. At the very least, I can hear them out. Ignoring people on the street is such an automatic response for me in this city where everyone wants something from you. Seriously? I don't have five minutes to spare?

I am reframing my attitude in so many positive ways without even intending to. I used to find excuses for not even pursuing my own interests . . . like, say, attending an urban gardening seminar by myself. (I rode my bike to one last week!) Now, I believe that I can do things I previously would have been too afraid to try (like, attempting a handstand in the middle of the room—not yet successful, but that is not the point.)

Speaking of saying YES! to stuff, do you guys know anything about Soka Gakkai International? This tiny lady handed me a card in the subway the other day. This mission may require a wingman.

Also, while I've got you, I'm considering taking a holistic nutrition certification course. An e-mail put the buzz on me a couple days ago, and I can't stop thinking about it. I'm not sure what to do. Mostly because it is quite expensive (which could affect the "does not compromise my bank account" tenet), and I don't care so much about the certification part (although, I suppose it could be handy) but about the learning part.

Double hmm . . . maybe I should start a separate YES! blog that could help connect me to other cool experiences. Ponder, ponder . . .


  1. Hey Pingo, I have a friend who did a holistic nutrition course and runs a side biz in nutrition consultations--happy to put you guys in touch.

    And what is the reality series? Should Pplg and I sign up?!?

  2. I spent my wide angle bend reading inspiring stories of people doing strange projects. I had to read faster at the minute 29 to finish the good story!

    I'm very curious about the new paths your YES attitude will take you. Very cool to have new perspectives all along the year.

  3. Sokka Gakkai is an offshoot of Nicheren buddhism and features daily chanting and strong a strong community organization. They're nice people but their zen is weak.

  4. I'm enjoying this yes attitude. I'd read that blog.

  5. YES to the YES blog! Do it, gurrrlll!

  6. No comments on cults, but ..

    Start the blog. Shoot. Write the book.

    Do you know the Interdependence Project: ?

